Version [0.675.7] is out!
Hello everyone! Finally, I have the new update ready for Itch! It's been on Discord for like a week or so but I always want to make sure that Itch gets the best version possible since it's harder to tell people with a fix is out. This will be the last update for a while since I'm going to be working on the beta version of the game which is a complete overhaul! I'll start posting sneak peeks here again soon and if you ever want to talk to me hit up the discord! Again, if you ever want to support the game hit up the Patreon or even donate here.
Again, this is a hotfix more than an update so there's not going to be a lot but I hope you like what's here, I'm saving a lot of stuff for the beta! Here's the change log!
Intro changes!
- You can now pick between Special Riolu or Special Absol!
New Special Pokemon!
- Special Riolu has been added! (She doesn't need friendship and evolves at level 25)
- Special Lucario has been added! (Can Mega Evolve into Limit breaker Lucario with a Mega stone)
- Special Absol has been added! (Hidden ability is Battlebond, which transforms her into Absol-Ur)
- These Pokemon can also be gotten through Void Dunsparce
Dungeon changes!
- All dungeon bosses have their own room! So you can pick who you wish to farm.
- The level scaling has been fixed! Now the levels of enemies will be scaling as intended.
- You no longer have to beat every trainer on the floor to progress, just find Dunsparce (Note: For the final boss ??? you do have to beat at least 1 trainer on the 4th floor of their dungeon)
New battles have been added:
- Vs The Poke Knight, Dray
- Vs The Ex-Cultist, Marnie
- Vs The Sub Human Self, ???
New Hybrids have been added (You must defeat ??? to earn them):
- Hybrid Sprigatito has been added
- Hybrid Floragato has been added
- Hybrid Meowscarada has been added
- Hybrid Goomy has been added
- Hybrid Sliggoo (my current favorite hybrid) has been added
- Hybrid Goodra has been added
- Hybrid Scorbunny has been added
- Hybrid Raboot has been added
- Hybrid Cinderace has been added
New Scenes have been added:
- Valentine Scene has been added (Needs Hybrid Gardevoir, Strongest Dress Gardevoir)
- May birthing scene has been added (Sleep in bed ten times after pregnant scene
- Marnie after battle defeat scene as been added.
- Roxanne pregnancy scene! (Have sex and sleep in your bed until it triggers)
More Mega Evolutions has been added (You get the stones every time you beat Cynthia in the dungeon):
- Mega Flygon (Trapinch can now be found in Rusturf Tunnel)
- Mega Milotic (Feebas can now be found while fishing in Dewford)
- Mega Skarmory (Skarmory can now be found on route 116)
- Mega Lapras (Lapras can be traded for while in Dewford)
- Mega Honchkrow (Murkow can now be found in Petalburg woods. This Mega Stone is gotten from Marnie)
- Mega Breloom
New Alt Hybrid has been added:
- Sorcerer Delphox has been added (Introducing the new ability Five Magics)
New ability: Five Magics
- Powers up Dark, Ghost, Psychic, Fire, and Electric-type moves by 1.3x
New item: Egg Hatcher
- This item allow you got hold up to six more eggs at a time! This helps a lot with the next feature!
New feature: Shiny Hybrids!
- Most hybrids (Outside of the new ones) have a Shiny form now. So I want to see some shiny hunting going on!
Get Pokemon Cultivation
Pokemon Cultivation
Status | In development |
Author | Man Do not Hop |
Genre | Adventure, Role Playing, Visual Novel |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Erotic, Fantasy, Indie, Pixel Art, Romance |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Beta v0.1 Hotfix is live!48 days ago
- Pokemon Cultivation Beta V0.1 Release!72 days ago
- Pokemon Cultivation Beta soon!85 days ago
- Long time no see! (an update)Jul 05, 2024
- Update on the next hotfix!Mar 16, 2024
- Pokemon Cultivation V0.663 Release!Jan 10, 2024
- Closing in (I promise!) + Sneak PeeksJan 04, 2024
- (Kinda) Christmas update + Sneak peak!Dec 14, 2023
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what do you do after the bia? im lost (i didn,t pay attention to the lines) pls help
It seems like entering the special dungeons automatically turn on challenge mode
anyone have an updated discord link? Everyone I find seems to be expired
oh boi now i have to try to beat the touhou girls again. those two are tough to beat. but hey liking the update. Welp *cracks knuckles Here we go again.
I think a android version would be dope replacing the keyboard with a touch/ gamepad would be worth it
It is on android u can play it through joiplay which is wht I am playing on