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how to get the eggs from may and Caroline

Hey, how long do you have to wait to feed your pokemon again? I fed the ralts like, 2 days ago, but it still says I've already fed her today

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You can feed them once per IN-GAME day, not IRL day. And before you ask, you skip a day by sleeping in your bed at Oldale

hey man, can someone help me? i dont know a pokemon to learn cut and what you have to do to the egg finally hatch??

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I think all of us have the same problem with cut and the eggs just take a long time until hatch, keep walking until then

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The eggs can seem to take a bit of time, but just run around and train your other pokemon for a little. The eggs actually hatch kind of quick. As far as cut,  Purrloin can learn that move, and you can use Cut after defeating the first gym

the special braixen can learn cut

A pokemon doesn't need the move anymore it seems, when you select it in the party like you would for summery or switch the HM moves it could learn will just be there without needing to teach it to them.

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Also, can you get the bike and surf in this game yet cause I've seen items and areas that need them but i have no idea still as to how to get them.

so how do you evolve feebas in this game exactly? is there a link cable you use or is it just at a certain level while holding the scale? i dont know.

You can buy a link cable from mudkip upstairs in the house. I think under the Evolution section. But does this work? Not sure, as certain pokemon that normally need to trade to evolve (Like kadabra) seem to not be effected by it

Use a prism scale on feebas like it's an Evolution stone. If that doesn't work, use it while it's already holding a linking cable. Idk if that last part is necessary, mine just happened to be holding one when I used the prism scale

I got hacked a while ago on discord and got my account back recently, I tried rejoining the server but I can't. Can u unban me? Discord tag should be the same as my name here

I got you, give me a moment so that I can see

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You should be back

bro, can you send me a list of pokemons that learn cut please, I've been capturing pokemons for half an hour to see if they learn cut and none of them learn can you help me (beta version)

im in the same situation but with smash rock

Hey man, i learned smash rock to my Lucario, and you need the third badge to use

thanx man i found out vaporeon also can learn it, soo i have the theory that only the "special" pokemon can learn mo moves

I GOT IT,  the special braixen can learn cut

but, i dont know where is the braixen, and what is the path in the tree in route 116?

you get braixen after defeating your sister in the volcano, and in the route 116 there is a corviknigth you can get for eggs but in bugged, also the new version just came so maybie corrected that

it dosent


Is there a walkthrough on where you can find all special pokemon?

I've not played since the very earliest builds and I have no clue where to get Braixen or Eevee

In the beta, you will end up fighting Braixen closer towards the end of the current build, shortly after beating the gym leader who uses fire pokemon.
Eevee you find during a quest given, where you have to find a lost book for the Professor (names are currently slipping the mind, sorry). The Eevee is burying and guarding the book.

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Asking for a friend, is there going to be level caps in a future version? Don't get me wrong, I like wanting to see new evos and whatnot, but I don't wanna significantly outlevel every single trainer I meet and wipe the floor with them

so how do you get the bike?

so does anyone know how to get a sea incense? it's for the febass quest


Azurill on Route 104 can hold it,something with Thief or Covet would work perfectly


Is there anyway to acquire the other two sub starters

What pokemon does subekan swag evolve

Anyone know what ancient dress do

If I remember correctly, you need it to evolve the Fenniken you hatch. You need to unlock this though through the Delphox scenes in the basement though.

Is there a fast forward mode?

This is something I hope they bring back as it was nice for when you have to grind in certain areas. You were able to turn over an hour of grind into about 10-15 minutes

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What do I need to do in order to use the Flash TM..........? I normally wouldn't ask this, being a vet in pokemon and all, but since this is a beta version of a game and seeing as how I can not fight any other gym leaders after Roxanne just yet, I am curious as to why Skitty can't seem to use flash outside of battle....

the game works weird, i cant even teach smash rock to enyone

i found the solution, i think, if you have the special gardevoir she can use flash even if she didnt learn it


does anyone know how to get to the trackless forest

Verdanturf City

thank you for telling me 

pardon me but does anyone know or have a walkthrough on how to get all of the different boss pokemons who go in the dungeon because their spots have changed from the demos


so does the penny starter evolve at all or is it stuck as a zorua?

A. How do get new dragon eeveelutions? I'm assuming the dragon scale but just don't know the specifics. Thank you in advance.

And B. Dawn's delcatty in the second parcel delivery request. I am willing to guess this is known since voidkip said to stay away from delcatty but in the fight it seems like a really bad glitch that was making every move miss, I had to get to plus six accuracy and even then out of 5 attacks I still missed 3. If that is not a known bug may want to fix that cuz that was baaaaad lol

A. not sure how to evolve the hybrid but the basement eevee evolves with dragon scale

B. nah man.  that's intentional.  it's got some unique ability


There is a problem I faced in the new version in my joiplay whenever I try to play the game it always say, scrip 'MKxp_compatibility' line 44: NameError occurred Uninitialized constant system: version

what do I do help

Found any solution? I am suffering from this too!

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how am i supposed to get enough money to buy food and discipline items for my Pokémon when i can barely buy healing items. Not to mention the quests that require me to buy items for people.

The trick i been doing to keep up in money has been going to EVERY mineing spot and selling everything im getting, it at least jumps me up around 50,000 so it's something.

where to buy the bike

what happened to the Clefable lady in the poke center?


was the trainer on the second level of the Pokemon Center for level grinding removed?

Okay, for some reason I can not extract the beta version of the game, but I can of version .675.? I keep getting error 0x8096002A. I have tried re-downloading around 5 times and the problem constantly comes up. Anybody else having this problem? Also, when I go to into the folder manually to try and force run the game, it says that 2 different files can not be found, even though they are in the same location as the game file. I have MORE than enough space on my computer for the game and I don't have problems extracting any other games or files that come in a Zip folder. Any suggestions?

UPDATE! Managed to get the file open and game working. I had to download 7zip (not sure why this is what worked, but it is the trick I suppose), so if anybody is having a similar problem, this is the trick that will work


where to find Rock Smash or surf and how do you get to slateport city

Rock Smash is available at the house across the Mart in Mauville, Surf, if it's similar, should be available after the 5th badge, and you can go to Slateport as soon as you beat the gym and, I believe, get Lillie back to Lusamine


where is the save data located?  I don't find it so easily but hope to reuse it later. Otherwise this might be to mich replaying if you make small updates.

how are you doing trade evolutions here?

linking cable is an available item in Void Mudkip shop

how do you use it

should be used like an evo stone, but i havent needed one to know for sure

is there any guide for the new update yet?

oh please add button mapping if possible, it might help with my wrist problem at the moment. Can you play with a controller?

You can play with controller. Idk if there is a way to map keybinds, but you can remap the controller with Shift-f1 :

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Hey, recently started the demo (been following the game's progress for God knows how long), and I was wondering: how does one get all the other starters outside of debug? (Y'know, Riolu, Penny?, Absol, and stuff)


Does this game feature spanking?


A little, I'll admit that I could (and maybe should) add more


I for one would be VERY interested in BDSM elements, especially spanking.

Will the save data save between the demo and beta 

No, the Demo saves arent compatible with the Beta game


Hello ! Is the scene with the 3 gardevoirs available yet ? If yes , any tips on how to get it ?

is there a debug menu to cheat

There is on Pc, if your using Joiplay its unlikely. The game wasnt meant to be played using that. Its unknown if theyll add that or not.

Not OP, i see it activated but the menus aren't popping up even after pressing F9. It has the Debug True in both its mod folder and inside main_999. I've been trying to figure it out for the past couple hours and now i'm stumped.


Will it be possible to go for bi or gay routes in the far future? like have it a setting in the early game to do something like make wally male or female?
I just thought it would be nice if it where considered ig.

that is coming

lesgo this game is gonna be peak

And how do you enter the Dungeon with the Challenged mode off? Im trying to defeat Cintia but ITS Impossible pls help

You can't.It's not an option

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