I've really enjoyed the demo so far, can't wait to see what you add in the future. If any help is needed I was working on my own game so I know a little of how the coding works and I made a few custom sprites as well (not that good at them) so if you need any help to speed up progress I'd be down.
Is there a discord or a way to see updates cause i am 20 hours in and have multiple 45 and up and can you please make it possible to rebreed so i can get another special ralts,vulpix,fennekin and i know whats probably taking most the time is art
I have over 45 houres in this game right now and have come acrost just one Mega Stone and it is onley for Miloic whats up with this I have tryed to fish for a Feebas or a Milotic but can not get eather of them to use the stone on see. If your going to let us get one of the stones then please let it be one we can Mega Evolve a pokeman we can fine or fish for please it seems you reather us not beable to get aney of the Mega forms of a pokeman.
So that was an oversight in the original 0.1 version that I kept in just because people liked that there was something like that in game. There will be a mega Milotic but not one right now.
Any way to easily level up/earn money? 'cause there are some steep difficulty spikes, and I don't want to grind random pokémon that doesn't give me nearly enough exp. buying enogh food and candies to actually get to the content costs a fortune. It says in the latest changelog there's a lvl. 20 exp trainer, but not where. (edit:2nd. floor of pokemon center is great for training and getting money. problem fixed)
Well, after playing this game I can say I'm definitely enjoying it, granted I do have a few issues with the game.
For starters (Heh) Handing us Riolu and Torchic were some nice choices considering the first gym leader- However Minior kinda flipped me off and merc'd them both comically easy with psychic attacks and looking back on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, Torchic was the starter that had the most limitations (And likely still will once we go fight Whitney and her Milktanks Rock Type Rollout attack)- I always went with Mudkip because Water/Ground kinda clowned on a lot of the Gym Leaders. Plus considering we get TWO breedable Fire Type Pokemon in Braxien and Vulpix it makes Torchic feel kinda redundant- So unless we can eventually breed our own Lucario and Blaziken (Both of mine were Female when I got them, coincidence?) it feel like I gotta bench them because the Breedable Pokemon are just better for the situation.
Second is this difficulty- I know you said the game would start a little difficult last time I commented, but my god the amount of times the levels of trainers JUMPED is intimidating- One minute I'm fighting level 27-29 opponents the next they're level 36. Yeesh. Plus something I want to say about the Shadow Attacks- You have comically overpowered them. In Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, Shadow Moves were Super Effective against everything, but they also had a rather low base power so they hit like any other attack- This game feels like 'If you aren't faster than the Shadow Pokemon and don't have a Null Berry, prepare to die.'
Granted this is circumvented by the Breeding Center Battles, thank you by the way for speeding up the grind, though I will admit they do feel kinda limited when I've gotta level up a level 29 Pokemon and my only options are Level 5, 10, and 15 opponents.
Third, and this one is just a personal gripe, but the breeded Eevee can only evolve into Vaporeon, which is nice and all but Umbreon just has a special place in my heart- Though I do understand, that is a grand total on 8 Eeveelutions you would have to draw, thats asking a lot.
Fourth, again just a nitpick that you could probably fix with a bit of personal practice, but the custom sprites seem jarringly large in battle- Bea, your breeded Pokemon- Not Marowak though, she actually looks alright- It's not a problem, just felt the need to share.
Lastly, kinda wish there was more than one spot do access the D/P/PL mining segments, I'm still trying to get a Fire Stone to evolve my Vulpix.
Other than that I do enjoy the game, can't wait to see more Pokemon, more girls, and hopefully more conveniences.
Thank you for the comment! In the V1.0 version a lot of these issues are going to be fixed. Like You'll be able to pick your eeveelution. As for fire stones you can get that from the top floor of the Pokemon center. I'm glad you're enjoying the game!
You have to beat the second gym, and get the CUT item from the Cutter's house. After that go back into the forest and find the two small trees, use CUT on them and follow the path behind them to the end. You will find her pendant there. Bit of advice though, bringing a good ground type if you can, or a lot of high LV pokemon. You may need it.
oh i havent played pokemon games in more than 10 years, so this is a nice game to relive those times i like how you included a lot of newer pokemons that i dont even know lol
Roxanne's Minior swept my whole team the first time I fought her, was not prepared for a Rock-Flying with my team of mostly bugs, grass, and normal types. Very refreshing change in difficulty from your average official Pokemon game nowadays.
Which Pokemon are currently able to be bred and make hybrids? And how many Pokemon do you plan on making breedable? All of them? just the more humanoid/animalistic ones? only a specific selection?
There are 5 Pokemon that are breedable at the moment. I'm not sure how many I'll do, they're going to have a lot of scenes so I can't do too many. They are selected by free polls on discord.
So, are you going to be able to fuck any caught Pokemon or is it going to be reserved to the uncatchable ones that you train? I assumed you would be able to seeing as you get given a female Riolu and female Torchic as "starters", two very humanoid Pokemon (although not really torchic in its base form), but is that just a coincidence or something? If you can't fuck your captured Pokemon, then I think that's a massive missed opportunity in terms of gameplay and content, since that would make it a lot more distinct than just a Pokemon game with a generic trainer-type gameplay stapled onto it, which is exactly what the game would be without your Hybrid Pokemon mechanic. Plus an odd choice to give you some pretty obvious fuckable Pokemon at the beginning of the game.
Just downloaded the game, barely played any of it yet, and I have to say, thank you so much for giving us False Swipe to start with. Amazing quality-of-life upgrade that I'm honestly surprised the Pokemon company never thought of.
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Where can you find Rosa in Dewford, for the cultists quest ?
Go up to where the cave is and a cutscene should trigger
Nothing happens when i go there
Mobile ?
Sorry for the late reply. People have found success with joiplay.
Is okay I don't really mind I forget you and good to know
what does the family time feature do in the game
Sorry for the late reply! If you have certain hybrids in your party you get a cute family scene.
when i try to boot up the game it keeps saying I'm missing Game.ini
Sorry for the late reply! It means that your game is in too many folders. Try to put it in just your downloads or on your desktop
How to evolve phantump?
Use a linking cord. I believe you can buy them on the 2nd floor of any pokecenter.
Either the same as a normal Kirlia, or by using a certain item from a certain bonus boss
I forgot where I need to take the letter to dewford town but where at dewford do i take it?
you should see Dawn their
not to bad, but most of my playing the ame is lagging.
played: Pokemon Cultivation [Demo v 0.581]
how do i break the rusturf tunnel boulders?
Not available in the current version.
how to get to slaterpor please
how to get to slaterport town
You can't in the current version
So want happens is you already have vaporeon
Is there a gallery in the game?
Can someone tell me how to get surf or even get to route 15 cause i'm stuck, please help
Theres no surf you. You talk to the old man with his wingull in the hut and hell take you
I've really enjoyed the demo so far, can't wait to see what you add in the future. If any help is needed I was working on my own game so I know a little of how the coding works and I made a few custom sprites as well (not that good at them) so if you need any help to speed up progress I'd be down.
How to unlock the quest for the Absol in the 0.56 pls ( I'v seen there in 0.55 so I think there are in the 0.56 ) ?
No abso
Is there a discord or a way to see updates cause i am 20 hours in and have multiple 45 and up and can you please make it possible to rebreed so i can get another special ralts,vulpix,fennekin and i know whats probably taking most the time is art
Yes, the discord is linked on the front page.
hey does anyone know where I can find the big malasada to rank up may?
She uses bitter candy to rank up. The big malasada was just a little joke I put in. If she's not increasing then try reading the walkthrough.
thank you and also do you know how to break the rocks in rusturf tunnel?
You can't yet. Farthest you can progress is Dewford, for now.
I have over 45 houres in this game right now and have come acrost just one Mega Stone and it is onley for Miloic whats up with this I have tryed to fish for a Feebas or a Milotic but can not get eather of them to use the stone on see. If your going to let us get one of the stones then please let it be one we can Mega Evolve a pokeman we can fine or fish for please it seems you reather us not beable to get aney of the Mega forms of a pokeman.
You give us a Mega Stone but we can not get the Feebas or a Milotic to use it on what the F com on get with the game will you please.
So that was an oversight in the original 0.1 version that I kept in just because people liked that there was something like that in game. There will be a mega Milotic but not one right now.
Any way to easily level up/earn money? 'cause there are some steep difficulty spikes, and I don't want to grind random pokémon that doesn't give me nearly enough exp. buying enogh food and candies to actually get to the content costs a fortune. It says in the latest changelog there's a lvl. 20 exp trainer, but not where. (edit:2nd. floor of pokemon center is great for training and getting money. problem fixed)
is there a way to destroy the rock in the cave if so i cant find it please help or is it still being designed
Any idea on when 0.55 is dropping? Keep up the awesome work man! I'm more than happy to be supporting the dev on Patreon!
Soon! I'll make a post about it! Basically the playtesting is pretty much done and I'm waiting on one more scene! Thank you for your support!
Well, after playing this game I can say I'm definitely enjoying it, granted I do have a few issues with the game.
For starters (Heh) Handing us Riolu and Torchic were some nice choices considering the first gym leader- However Minior kinda flipped me off and merc'd them both comically easy with psychic attacks and looking back on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, Torchic was the starter that had the most limitations (And likely still will once we go fight Whitney and her Milktanks Rock Type Rollout attack)- I always went with Mudkip because Water/Ground kinda clowned on a lot of the Gym Leaders. Plus considering we get TWO breedable Fire Type Pokemon in Braxien and Vulpix it makes Torchic feel kinda redundant- So unless we can eventually breed our own Lucario and Blaziken (Both of mine were Female when I got them, coincidence?) it feel like I gotta bench them because the Breedable Pokemon are just better for the situation.
Second is this difficulty- I know you said the game would start a little difficult last time I commented, but my god the amount of times the levels of trainers JUMPED is intimidating- One minute I'm fighting level 27-29 opponents the next they're level 36. Yeesh. Plus something I want to say about the Shadow Attacks- You have comically overpowered them. In Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, Shadow Moves were Super Effective against everything, but they also had a rather low base power so they hit like any other attack- This game feels like 'If you aren't faster than the Shadow Pokemon and don't have a Null Berry, prepare to die.'
Granted this is circumvented by the Breeding Center Battles, thank you by the way for speeding up the grind, though I will admit they do feel kinda limited when I've gotta level up a level 29 Pokemon and my only options are Level 5, 10, and 15 opponents.
Third, and this one is just a personal gripe, but the breeded Eevee can only evolve into Vaporeon, which is nice and all but Umbreon just has a special place in my heart- Though I do understand, that is a grand total on 8 Eeveelutions you would have to draw, thats asking a lot.
Fourth, again just a nitpick that you could probably fix with a bit of personal practice, but the custom sprites seem jarringly large in battle- Bea, your breeded Pokemon- Not Marowak though, she actually looks alright- It's not a problem, just felt the need to share.
Lastly, kinda wish there was more than one spot do access the D/P/PL mining segments, I'm still trying to get a Fire Stone to evolve my Vulpix.
Other than that I do enjoy the game, can't wait to see more Pokemon, more girls, and hopefully more conveniences.
Thank you for the comment! In the V1.0 version a lot of these issues are going to be fixed. Like You'll be able to pick your eeveelution. As for fire stones you can get that from the top floor of the Pokemon center. I'm glad you're enjoying the game!
so when i try to get may's heart thing up to 50 the game freezes right after her dialogue ends
Try increasing her mom's affinity to 50 first and see if that fixes it.
Ive looked all over dewford and rustboro but i cant find the cultists? i already got the one in littleroot, where are they?
thank you
I've searched all over petalburg woods, but I can't seem to find May's pendant. Is it supposed to appear later on?
You have to beat the second gym, and get the CUT item from the Cutter's house. After that go back into the forest and find the two small trees, use CUT on them and follow the path behind them to the end. You will find her pendant there. Bit of advice though, bringing a good ground type if you can, or a lot of high LV pokemon. You may need it.
Oh, I thought it was a hidden item on the ground. I didn't see the entrance, Thanks!
also, are there shinies? and those legendary enconters like raikou?
oh i havent played pokemon games in more than 10 years, so this is a nice game to relive those times
i like how you included a lot of newer pokemons that i dont even know lol
The game keeps crashing whenever I enter the petalburg gym.
Roxanne's Minior swept my whole team the first time I fought her, was not prepared for a Rock-Flying with my team of mostly bugs, grass, and normal types. Very refreshing change in difficulty from your average official Pokemon game nowadays.
downloading the game the screen is covered in green lines
how fix
https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=458586 I'm sorry for the late reply, I just saw this!
is Gardivoir´s mega stone implamented? if so, where do I find it?
Which Pokemon are currently able to be bred and make hybrids? And how many Pokemon do you plan on making breedable? All of them? just the more humanoid/animalistic ones? only a specific selection?
There are 5 Pokemon that are breedable at the moment. I'm not sure how many I'll do, they're going to have a lot of scenes so I can't do too many. They are selected by free polls on discord.
So, are you going to be able to fuck any caught Pokemon or is it going to be reserved to the uncatchable ones that you train? I assumed you would be able to seeing as you get given a female Riolu and female Torchic as "starters", two very humanoid Pokemon (although not really torchic in its base form), but is that just a coincidence or something? If you can't fuck your captured Pokemon, then I think that's a massive missed opportunity in terms of gameplay and content, since that would make it a lot more distinct than just a Pokemon game with a generic trainer-type gameplay stapled onto it, which is exactly what the game would be without your Hybrid Pokemon mechanic. Plus an odd choice to give you some pretty obvious fuckable Pokemon at the beginning of the game.
Just downloaded the game, barely played any of it yet, and I have to say, thank you so much for giving us False Swipe to start with. Amazing quality-of-life upgrade that I'm honestly surprised the Pokemon company never thought of.
bro, WHERE the FUCK is cut like fr I can’t fucking find it
You have to beat the first gym and it's in the house next to the Poke center.
I've slept in my bed 10 times and kirlia is still exhausted, how to fix
Sorry! Just saw this. You have to continue through the story.
How do I join the discord sever?
Right before the game summary on here you should see a hyperlink to the Discord.
Thank you sorry for late reply tho