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Lvl 48 

So am not sure if its the whole game but in the MotherWak fight they have gen 1 logic where they know what i will be doing before they pick what move they will do. since that fight is insane (am a few lv up and have type advantige)  and am still getting one shot. what Lv is this ment for? 40ish? is this just me or is this for every one?

when can we go to slateport

it says for me "No game scripts specified (missing Game,ini?)" and then closes when I click ok. Any idea what to do

Try to put the file holding the game on your desktop. If the game is in too many folders, it has this issue

how do i get to slater port says currently unavailable

(1 edit)

How do I get the item to clear the rocks in the tunnel connecting rustoboro and verdanturf

How i transfer my savws from old versions?

You shouldn't have to transfer it's, but for some reason if you have to the file path is in the folder.

I was skeptical of the raised difficulty level of this game at first, but honestly, it's the most fun I've had playing a Pokemon game in a while. The official games make them far too easy, which kinda saps the fun out of it.

Thanks! Yeah the game can be difficult but it's more about quality of mons and prep. You can't cave man burst through the game.

(1 edit)

Is golem not available yet? Because the link cable isn't evolving graveler and Mawile's breeding scene just shows the image for the blowjob scene then shifts to the correct image at the end of the scene when Mawile is bred. By the way, I really like the mining feature, I just kept mining until the game wouldn't let me do it anymore. Keep up the good work 

I will be fixing these things pretty soon! I'll be looking to add more items to the mining.

I'm pretty sure I found a bug. After defeating the noibat in the cave and getting sent back to the house,after the dialog finishes I can't see my character and can hear the noise the game makes when you try to move somewhere you can't. The game gets stuck like this, and after reopening the game and my computer, the same thing happened again.

That's odd, this is the first time I heard of this. If you want you can join the discord and live stream it happening. I can see about solving this.

(1 edit)

After the new update this was fixed for me and I can now continue the game like normal. Keep up the great work.

how much do u have to feed mawile to get the egg? cause i have feed mine to 110 and that doesn't feel right?thx


She can't have children yet, I have to get the sprite made and everything.


Add an option for a white mc


I wouldn't mind doing customization like this, I would have to pay my artist to redo scenes and make alternate versions of new scenes. so if it's in high demand I'll make a Ko-fi goal towards it.

(1 edit) (+2)(-8)

If you want more people to play, this should be the first thing you do. Every top game on patreon with a male protag is a white guy for a reason, as its almost the entire playerbase for adult games


Here's where I'm coming from. This is just to explain and I see where you're coming from and you have a point.

If I were to do that not only would I have to come out of pocket for all the changes, but that would mean I would have to use my whole budget on it which is about 2-3 months' worth of content (My game already has over 20+ scenes meaning over 100+ CGs made. ). So I would pay for 90% of that out of pocket AND after I'm done my players who have supported me won't get new scenes but their skin is different. Then I have to hope that people flood to support the game when I give the new update which is (After 2-3 months) you can have lighter skin. No new offspring, no new scenes, no new boss fights (They give sex scenes normally), no new alternate forms, no poll scenes that have been promised.

You're right, most Popular adult games have white males, but the top is only 0.001% of the cases. There are tons that fail with white protags. And If I were to invest that much on a change that would have to increase what patreon/ makes me by almost a 1000% (no joke, I invest and love my players and this game that much. ALL the money goes on the game) in a month to break even from the change, it straight-up might get canceled. So what I'm saying is that, if it's a change people really want then they tell me and vote with their wallets So that I can weave it into other changes and updates. I promise I will do it and show the receipts to show that every dime plus a few of my own has gone to what they want.

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

The top 0.1% are the only ones making any money doing this. Its kind of baffling it wasn't the default. Also unless your artist is scamming you it should be much much quicker and cheaper to add it as an option. Its just recoloring a single layer. Should be noted the longer you wait the less viable it will be, eventually locking you out from the wider audience 


That's what I'm saying, The low percentage shows that that effort it would take to do that doesn't guarantee anything. So why not have people who really wanted support the decision? Hell, if an artist wants to make edits of my stuff with lighter skin in their own time I'll put it in the game as an option no cost. It's just one layer right? Shouldn't take much time and apparently it would massively increase their enjoyment of the game according to your statistics. 

I'm a technician IRL and if I do any work outside of a few courtesy things I charge. It might not be full price but I do charge and I won't blame any professional from having the same standards. That's how professionals work, some are bit more charitable than others but that's an exception not the rule

Also it's not baffling about the skin choice, it what I picked. Again, If people want it changed that fine but they have to show me a tangible way. I don't go off hearsay, as a solo dev I have my roadmap that I stick to with little deviation unless it shows an immediate return on investment, which is not proven by skin tone alone.

If the game fails because of not having the defaul skin tone being lighter, then it deserves to fail and I'll just go to the drawing board again. But I promise you and I'm not saying this to be condescending for anything, your proof is anecdotal at best. Summertime saga isn't super popular because of the way to make character looks, people meme at how silly he looks. It's because of its dynamic gameplay and CG's.

i am on a pc that does not have the game dowloaded and there is no install for the base game

The hotfix is the base game as well.

i know but for some reason when i try and install the game it shows this

there is nothing to select

That's odd. You can go to the Discord and there's downloads there as well.

a few questions? where could i find a water stone for evee if it is in the game and is noivern implemented? if so where would i find it as well? thx 

Afaik water stone is still not a thing,

Noivern is in! It's related to Dewford quests.

Deleted 1 year ago

Top floor of the Pokemon center after you beat the second gym

Do we have to worry about save files becoming incompatible with future versions?

I am playing this like a normal Pokémon game. Gotta catch 'em all!

Also ETA on Pokemon with impossible evolution conditions such as trading? I saw before that you were going to give them a level condition instead, but I have found out that in later Pokémon games there's actually an item that emulates the trading condition.

Unfortunately, there's a chance of that happening, version 1.0 (the first non-demo version of the game) Will most likely make older save files unusable just because of the sheer amount of stuff I'm changing and improving. However, if I can I'll try to see if the older ones can stay intact.

I'll fix that in my next hotfix for the game (so in like a week) where I fix bugs that are found and add QoL changes.

(2 edits)

That would be quite sad, but save issues from the development phase to the full game are to be expected and ultimately the final builds are what really matters.

Anyway, regarding this build, 0.4, I don't see a changelog, so I can only talk about what I have seen,

The gymleader in Petalburg, when talked to after all quests are done has dialogue that starts with "Dad:" I know this is temporary, but it's still really silly.

In Dewford, I took a quest to apparently give a new trainer a reality check in route 106, but there's not a soul in that place. Not in the cave, either. Is it somewhere on the water? But surf is not a thing yet, right?

There's currently no way to progress past Rustboro/Dewford, right? All that seems to be left for me to do at this time is the end of the Marowak quest line in Route 116 and I doubt that's gonna be a major progression key.

When I check the bed in the player character's home, it gives me the option to "reset all interactions". That sounds scary, what exactly does it do?

Is it really necessary for the "Special" Pokémon to have separate dex entries? Especially since there seems to be no way to actually fill that entry and they are just called "Ralts" "Vaporeon" etc. there, not something like "Special Ralts". I see people talk about eggs and I see the "dating sim" mechanics with a bunch of NPCs and the special Pokémon, but there seems to be absolutely nothing I can do with these as of now EDIT: I didn't realize you can buy flavoured candy in the store, I expected it to be some berry-based system later on. This locked me out of a lot of content.

And is fixing the berries really not just a matter of copying the events from the gardens to the right of Petalburg to all the other fields?

vulpix is linked to a quest it is the one where you have to find the professor box he lost

(1 edit)

(I found all of this now, I just didn't expect it to be gated behind relationship levels)

You have to increase the affinity of certain characters and find quest to unlock some of these Pokémon. Here's the walkthrough Pokemon Cultivation Guide (V 0.4) - Google Sheets

Can someone tell me how to get surf or even get to route 15 cause i'm stuck, please help

Just found out about this today.

What's the difficulty curve of this game? Because the last Pokemon H Game (Like this) I played was Ecchi Edition, which while fun a chock full of scenes, the difficulty ramped up notably during Gym Leaders (The second Gym Leader's Pokemon had a 6 Level increase from the trainers in their gym)

Which honestly doesn't surprise me considering Ecchi  Edition has 'Lose and get fucked' scenes.

Also, I just wanna give bonus points to you using Noivern, not a Pokemon I see get hentai'd a lot and I love the thing-They're my favorite Dragon Type Pokemon.

The game is kinda of difficult just because of the shadow Pokemon and some of the trainers. The next update (0.4) makes things a lot more manageable by giving the player more options and access to hybrid Pokemon which are very powerful. So at the moment I will say it has a massive difficulty bump in Dewford but again that gets fixed in the next update.

Yeah, I want a lot more lesser-used Pokémon in the future. I used some of the super popular ones early on to just get them out of the way lol.

Glad to hear it, I've never been to big a fan of buffing the difficulty of a game just to get H-Scene's more often, it tends to result in the scene's getting stale. At least this is Pokemon so level grinding isn't really the hardest thing in the world- Especially after getting the Lucky Egg and Exp Share. Still gonna wait for the next update to download (Just so I don't download again before I even do anything)

Well that's always nice to hear, sure Gardevoir is the ironically lewded Pokemon and Vaporeon is the meme, but its always nice to see some of the unsung MVP of Pokemon getting the spotlight. Do you take recommendations/requests?

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what do i do with the egg option on vaporion

go to sleep in the bed upstars then go back to Vaporeon. If you see an egg in the floor click the egg button to get an egg.

how do you get cut

It's in one of the houses in Rustboro. It's an item in this game not a HM so you don't need a Pokemon to learn it.

I had seen a bunch of Pokémon fangames before and I think this one is very impressive! Exactly how much of this is actually your own work or work you specifically had someone do(Such as the extra art)?

This is not an accusation of any kind. There are no accusations to be made against a free indie game with extensive credits, I am just curious.

I got twice almost obliterated by a Ralts and a Magma grunt, but I like a challenge and never minded grinding. It's hard to cheese battles against enemies that have no weaknesses and are super effective against everything, but just one question regarding that: Are double types therefore four times weak against shadow attacks? Because that stings!

Also please, are you planning to fix the berry fields soon? The first field is inconsistent with the others and most of them only allow placing berries in places where berries have been before, not the entire field, it's the main thing hurting my Pokémon Gen 3 immersion.

Thank you for your kind words!

I get the art commissioned from a few great artist and most everything else in game is done by me (That's why the writing is kinda meh and you can kinda tell there's a lot of programming ducktape lol). Honestly I only made this game because I wanted a Pokemon game with HumanxPokemon breeding to exist.

When all the Hybrid Pokemon get brought to the game in the next update it will make the early game easier.

I'll check the berry field out! This software is a modified version of RPG maker xp so the tiles aren't the same but I'll see what I can do!.

Does anyone know how to do the mad Ralts quest? I've been looking around route 104, but it still hasn't shown up.

You have go into petalburg woods and head to the right then head down to the exit. You can see the Ralts


How do you download the game? The downloads on the game's page say .rar and there doesn't seem to be any application to the game when I download the file.

I'll check it out and get back with you.

.rar is an archive type, download 7zip to extract it.

it crash idk why. Im try to get to why and only things say is line 28.


Go to


and take your save file out and see if it launches.


It's working. Thank you!

(1 edit)

anyone know where i can catch a feebas, and /or how to upgrade my rod, also anyone know a garenteed way to get vaporeon

as far as I can tell, no feebas yet, no rod upgrades yet, and no water stone[so no vappy]

You also can't evo the hybrid braixen into a delphox[i tried ;-;]

i cant go to slateport city what should i do to go there

It's not I'm the game yet, 0.37 only goes to Dewford.

o can't wait for the new update then

im curious
what are you gonna do for evolve trading
just have a funny fella trade a kadabra for a kadabra 
or something a little more interesting

I'll just give them a level req instead.

does anyone have a guide?

i got stuck after the 2nd gym dunno what to do

I'll link the walkthrough when I get home, but the current version goes up to the second gym. You can go back to granite cave and get mawile and do side quest in the ranger house as well.

Show post...

How do you get the Egg from Vaporeon? I got the option, pressed it, nothing happen. I waited a few days and still nothing, am I missing something?

You have to go to bed, then you can pick up the egg. 

I have a question: When you are releasing more versions, is there any way to keep the save? If that is the case, what is the way to move the save from one version to another?


The time frame is iffy (Because a lot of it depends on how fast I can get art) but I will always put out small devlogs giving progress reports. saves work for every version until the big 1.0 reset. The saves are located


ty ^^

i got ralts, vaporeon, vulpix, braixen and mawile, which experiment am i missing? or is it just not yet implemented?

There's still Noibat, it's part of a sidequest in Dewford.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I made it to Petalburg City where I took a break off the game. When I came back every time I try and load the game a box appears instead telling me:

Script 'SaveData' Line28: TypeError occured.

incompatible marshal file format (can't be read) format version 4.8 required; 0.0 given

Followed by the OK button which closes the box when I click it.

If anyone knows what I need to do then please tell me I'm very confused!

like what there is so far. the only thing id recommend is a way to replay the scenes, like either a gallery or in game option when interacting with the girls. 

also maybe scale down the difficulty of some fights or increase the leveling speed, because i was 9 or 10 levels above the strongest pokemon in the aqua/magma double battle and barely was able to win.

otherwise a great game, and i cant wait to see more

(1 edit)

Can absolutely confirm, that fight is just NOT a fair battle. Shadow Mons losing ALL weaknesses, AND having guaranteed super effective moves on EVERYTHING is NOT balanced. Both Shadows having extremely frustrating dual side hitting moves is just NOT fair or balanced. 

I'd suggest, instead of making them lose EVERY weakness, make them have normal weaknesses, that way it's, y'know, balanced. That or lower their level a bit, or reduce their team sizes. That fight being a forced double, with 2 FULLY EVOLVED shadow mons?! Not fair or balanced

My main tip for speeding up levelling, is ADD MORE AUDINO IN THE LEVEL UP LADY


i cant find steven stone where the hell is that stone loving bastard

nowhere, doesn't exist in the current state

Where is the gal located? i can seem to find her in any of the towns i have access yet. (upto dufort)

I'm fairly certain her office, is the one building in Rustburo that you can't access yet, making it unavailable at this time

is there a debug menu?

I'm waiting for the full release but making this futanari girl character is good bro. i like the game

(1 edit)

So I downloaded this and Windows defender instantly quarantined the program and said it was a Trojan. I'm sure this was not purposeful and am only leaving this comment to make the dev aware and will delete this comment once the issue is resolved.

This is an issues with the program being used to make the game, unfortunately the creators of it haven't been able to fix that in it over a decade. It's not a virus but trust your gut.

how do i get to the item on the hill in route 115?

Did you find a way to do it?

Nope, still don't know how to get up there

If you find out, could you tell me?

I asked in the discord and they said it hasn't been added yet so we can only wait for now

ooooh oky ty <3

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